I know, I already posted about my cute little kitty cat. However today was a big day for him, today he was neutered!!! Poor guy he really did great!! I put him in the carrier at 6:00 a.m today and he did not cry once all the way to the clinic. As we sat and waited our turn, he actually rolled over on his back and took a little nap. What a cat huh?
I picked him up around 4:00 and he hissed a bit until he realized it was me and then he has been walking around the house like normal..... why can't humans have that same experience? My poor husband fainted and was sore for 2 weeks..... LOL
Doesn't he look great, just hanging out? The barking dogs in the background were annoying, but not for Mr. Norman!! :-)
Oh! Bless his little fuzzy heart. He really is a great cat, Liz. I'm glad you got through this - and glad he did too.
Love you guys! xo
So does this mean you'll just call him "Norman" now?? Cute little grandkitty! xo
HAHAHA Grandma that was funny. lol
Poor Mr. Norman...he is so cute and such a good kitty! :)
I know I've already posted about this one, but what happened to your Vegas post that I saw this morning? Loved it but was in a hurry and mostly just viewed the pics and now it's gone! I want it back!! xo
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