My son's birthday is today and as you can tell by the title of this blog post, he is 18 years old now.
This means he can vote, go to war, serve on a jury, file a lawsuit, buy cigarettes, get a tattoo, get piercings (the latter three I cringe at). Most importantly though, he can move out and live on his own. He is officially a man!
Where did the time go? It feels as though he was just born. 9lbs 2oz of pure delight!!
Sitting up on his own at 4 months old, walking at 9mos., potty trained at 19 months. Talking, learning, growing. Bringing joy to our hearts each and every day.
I feel privileged to have been blessed to be his mother. To take part in watching him love others with a heart so big it pours out into everything he does and says. To make friendships that have lasted years. To watch God use him to bring His own love in a tangible way to those around him. To see his mind shape and grow and learn new things. Playing baseball, teaching himself to play guitar and writing songs that touch the deepest part of your heart.
From first sleepovers when I thought I would die not knowing what was happening in his life at that moment to seeing him board a plane all the way to Japan to reach others for Christ. Such extremes yet so much growth going on to prepare him for the life God has laid out for him. He has used the talents he has been given to bring joy to others.
Adjusting through geographic moves from town to town / church to church / school to school. Watching him adapt to new people and new circumstances. Seeing him get his first job and hearing the praise from his boss at what a terrific worker he is (even if he can't keep his room clean). Hearing that he is responsible and other oriented, receiving a promotion and hearing praise from his youth leaders.
Watching him struggle with God and his faith. Learning to make it his own, not just his parents and then ultimately understanding the love the Father has for him. Seeing him share that love with others here and in other countries and in his very own home to me. Watching his heart be broken in love yet seeing him mature through the changes it brought.
He has taught me to love others even when I did not want to. When I would question his motives, he would always shock me with where his decisions truly came from. Whether it was sharing his lunch or sharing his guitars, he always seeks after the hearts of those he reaches out to, knowing God loves them and he should to.
Now the next step in his journey..... he is off to college next year. In the next step, he will probably meet someone and be married and have kids of his own. I pray that the legacy I have left in his heart is one of pure love. Love for him and Love for God. That he would love his kids the best way he knows how, just the way I love him.
Happy Birthday to my sweet little "peanuter butter" I love you
Mom ♥
5 years old
17 years old.
Awww...that is the sweetest post ever! I'm totally choked up! Happy birthday, Ryne!
Yeah, dude, thanks for the early morning cry! I'm emotional about Ryno turning 18 today anyway!!!
Seriously though, Liz. This is such a beautiful tribute to Ryne. We all love him so much, and you've done a great job with this post. Very well written and delivered.
Love you. Love Ryno. xoxo
PS: This post posted on "February 12" because you wrote it in advance. You can fix it by going to "Edit Posts", click "Edit" by this post, and then "Post Options" to change the date. :)
Well said! What a joy he has been not only to your immediate family but to all of us! My dearest memories of him (besides when he was born and everything in between) would be my visit when Savannah was born. He was at my side continually--at the pool, watching a movie--and when I left, you told me he said his pillowcase "smells like Grandma" and that he loved it. The next would be when he was just starting to notice girls --maybe 11 or 12, and we sat on the couch and he confided his "deepest feelings" for a little girl at church who wouldn't give him the time of day. Very poignant and sweet beyond words. Now look at him! All grown up, confident, loving and loved! He totally rocks! And I totally love your tribute! xo
I came to your blog from the link on Deb's blog and just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Ryan. Your post will touch every mother who has a child reaching adulthood and expresses what we all hope to have passed on to our children. Beautifully written, thanks for sharing. I'm sure Ryan will go on to be a happy confident young man, ready to face the challenges the world throws at him. Enjoy the journey with him. x
I just wanted to apologise for getting Ryne's name wrong and calling him Ryan (which is my nephew's name). Sorry for the mistake.
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