January 5, 2010

To Blog or not to Blog.....

Okay, so everyone is doing this "blog" thing except for me, which actually makes sense, seeing as how I don't like to write much. However, Savannah was reading over my shoulder and asked why I don't "blog". So, I will give it a try.... not sure if I have anything to say, and I am VERY sure I won't have many pics to post of craft things like my awesome SIL Deb, but nonetheless, I will try to
be witty and creative in what I share. So, if you so desire, stay posted for a few words about the Norman Clan.... i.e. Tim, Liz, Ryne and Savannah.....


Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

:o) This is a very proud moment for me. I'm happy you are on the blog wagon!!! I'm gonna' follow you.

The Norman Clan said...

Now you need to help me look good so you have something "good lookin" to follow.. he he I think I will take pics on Saturday so I have something to blog about..... that is a yes by the way. :-) YEAH!!

Marti said...

I'm never going to get anything done now! All my loves are blogging and I can't stay away from them! Nice job! You guys are way to smart for me!!! xo