January 8, 2010

Chugging along....

It is Friday and we made it through our first week back to schooling after Christmas break. We had a rough beginning, but with a little prayer and
perseverance we did it. Now, only 3 1/2 months to go ;-)

Ryne and I were invited to a dinner at ASU Barrett Honors College this week. Quite an honor no doubt. The top students at each of the local high schools are invited, so he was among the elite, very proud mom moment. He has been accepted into the Mechanical Engineering program and joined others with the same major at his table. Looking around and talking to them made us both realize he was not created to be an engineer. Don't get me wrong, he is smart enough. He is just too personable to be stuck behind a desk somewhere. He is now looking into the business college there. He will however, apply to the honors college within ASU and hope he can be enrolled in that program. Now, to see what scholarships he can get to pay for it all..........

Ballet is back in full swing again for Savannah. She is now a Grade 3 student in RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) this year. She will be taking exams in April over the material they are learning and they are gearing up for it all ready. When (not if) she passes she will be on "pointe" next year. She is really looking forward to that. :-) She is taking lessons twice a week for an hour each day. She LOVES it!!! All day long she dances and practices. Nice to have your kids doing something they love instead of having to MAKE them practice and do it.

The Lord has blessed me with such an amazing family... I don't deserve them, but glad I have them all.


Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Nice post, Liz. :o) And I'm very impressed with your blog background!

And yes, you DO deserve this family you have -- all the quirks and all the good stuff too! ;o)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

LOVE the new banner!!! I'm jealous!

Marti said...

When I finished your blog for the day, I said to myself "Self, she does to deserve it" then I saw Deb's comment so I'll just say "ditto"! When I focus on how blessed I am as grandmother to all these wonderful grandkids, I'm blown away! xo