March 10, 2010

Been a couple of crazy busy weeks... Nothing big out of the ordinary, but lots of "stuff" to get done.

Every year around this time, our family hosts a student from Japan through a homestay program from Young Life Japan that our church supports. This year, we did not host a student... there were a couple reasons why.

1.) There was not a girl visiting this year and we prefer a girl since I am the one who is with her
most of the time.

2.) Amazingly enough God knows what he is doing and knew we would be busy and not have
time to host this year.

The students and their leaders came and after seeing them again, I realized how much I love the Japanese people. Not that I know very much about them, but every person I have met from that country has been wonderful. The people that my son meets there has been wonderful.

They are so fun and interesting and willing to learn. They are respectful and courteous and I adore listening to them talk. Everything about them makes me want to live in Japan just so I can get close to them and learn and teach and grow.

I am thankful my son will be going there this summer and if I he decides to stay and live and grow and start his life there, then I could not have picked a better place for him...


Jill said...

Wooo hooo!!! Lizzy, you should move there after Savannah graduates! Living overseas is the greatest ting ever, and not to mention completely STRESS FREE!

The Norman Clan said...

Who knows what the future holds Jillers.. :-) We will let Ryne pave the way and then we will join him on the mission field.. haha

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I don't like it when you are so busy! We miss you guys!!! But glad to hear that you are busy with some good things.

PS: Please don't move to Japan. That would REALLY cut into our crafting schedule. xo

Marti said...

Truly? Move there? Wow--I never thought of that! Now that's what I would call adventurous! xo