April 20, 2010

What kind of person are you?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you enjoy being around people all the time and being the center of attention, or does the very thought of this make your skin crawl?

I have been wondering some things lately about myself. I am very much an extrovert, but I do have introvert tendencies. I think most of us can be both. After a while I need time to just sit alone and be still from too much excitement. When people (like me) who are extroverts do this, others think we are upset or sad about something. They don't know how to react to us.

What do people think when an introvert becomes outgoing? Do they think they are just in a really great mood or something? Or do they even notice as much? Not sure, maybe you can help me with this mind boggling question. :-)

Just a thought for Tuesday......

1 comment:

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Ok, Liz, this might surprise you, but it's true: I actually consider myself an introvert. I kind of fake my way through the extrovert part of life. :o\ I think it's interesting that you made the point of people thinking you're mad it you don't keep up that extrovert exterior.

I love you introvert or extrovert. xo